Coastal Cleanup

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Coastal Cleanup Day was established by the Ocean Conservancy, an organization that work to help protect the ocean from the challenges it faces every year. ... By spreading tips and techniques to help reduce trash they help people everywhere aid the cleanup of our oceans

The ocean provides us with so much. It’s important to make sure we are taking care of it, so that it can continue to take care of us. This July, volunteer to give back to our ocean and join the fight against ocean trash.

Coastal Cleanup Day was established by the Ocean Conservancy, an organization that work to help protect the ocean from the challenges it faces every year. ... By spreading tips and techniques to help reduce trash they help people everywhere aid the cleanup of our oceans

The ocean provides us with so much. It’s important to make sure we are taking care of it, so that it can continue to take care of us. This July, volunteer to give back to our ocean and join the fight against ocean trash.

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Page last updated: 15 May 2019, 12:06 AM