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Advice on Regional Recreational Opportunities

This workbook consists of guiding questions to help you provide advice to Alberta Environment and Parks (AEP) on the Minister’s request. Additional opportunities will be made available to provide more specific advice (e.g. specific trails and maps). 

The following are excerpts from the letter sent by Jason Nixon, Minister of Environment and Parks, to the members of the Livingstone-Porcupine Recreational Advisory Group, including members from the Castle area: 

“Provide Environment and Parks with advice on implementation of land-use plans for the area, and any proposed changes to land-use plans for the area if deemed necessary, to meet the environmental, social and economic outcomes for the area.”

“As a priority item raised by Albertans, focus early efforts on identifying outcomes for, and recommendations to, support implementation of a motorized trail system that looks at recreational as well as hunting and angling access, while mitigating other land-use concerns. This includes advice on the potential inclusion of motorized trails in the Castle Parks as part of an effective regional trail network.”

Ministerial Letter